Mobile, analytics, social media, cyber intelligence and cloud
Technology creates opportunities to reduce the productivity gap between the public and private sectors, rethink service delivery models, increase quality and change the division of labor between the public and citizens.
Mobile solutions are both citizen-oriented and internal
The joint public digitization strategy has several concrete initiatives around digital citizen service via mobile devices (1.6 Citizens can operate themselves on the mobile and 9.1 Secure digital self-service on the mobile). The government, municipalities and regions want to speed up even more the use of digitalisation to renew the public sector and make it more efficient; and mobile solutions can be just the driver that can be used to change Denmark's digital leadership position and take the next big steps on the digital path to the welfare of the future.
The digitalisation strategy focuses primarily on the citizen-oriented aspects of mobile solutions, but mobile solutions will also be able to fundamentally change the internal workflows of the authorities. Seen in the context of the citizen-oriented solutions, these internally-oriented mobile solutions will be able to provide a real opportunity to improve the interaction and increase the efficiency of the labor force in the public sector, where many operate or can act away from the desk. It's time for the public sector to put full focus on thinking mobility into everything it does, learning from the pioneers and gaining a solid foothold in the mobile age - and finally, being prepared for systems and processes, that can adapt in line with developments.
Many technologies
Mobile solutions are not the only technology that has the potential to radically change the public sector. Mobile solutions can be advantageously combined with four additional technologies: Analytics, social media, cloud and cyber intelligence.
- Analytics is a term for all the techniques that can be used to gain insight and create a basis for decision-making based on the massive amounts of data that are collected digitally.
- Social media includes services where users create and share content themselves.
- Cloud includes software, services and services that are delivered via the Internet, can be scaled endlessly and that can be rented on a flexible basis
- Cyber intelligence brings together the security technologies and services that make it possible to act safely with the other technologies, including predicting, preventing and protecting against security incidents, as well as solving and recovering from incidents should they occur.
Together with innovative business models, such as OPP / OPI and "contracting for outcomes", these technologies provide opportunities for new and more coherent public and private services, e.g. where citizens and companies can create and produce services together, e.g.
- new efforts against congestion in large cities (eg car-sharing schemes, city bikes, dynamic road pricing, insurance services based on driving patterns, smart parking guide, crowd sourced traffic information, travel plans that integrate all modes of transport).
- new efforts to reduce recidivism after serving a sentence (eg tracking of probationers, decision support for judges and caseworkers, apps for clients in community service, online support / network for released persons).
- new tools for emergency events (eg augmented reality, where available data is superimposed and linked to the reality that the firefighter sees; image analysis, where threats are analyzed and highlighted automatically; dynamic evacuation support that helps citizens away from emergency events; crowd- sourcing of incidents that are integrated into the emergency preparedness overview; mobilization of citizens for rapid search of missing children; "is a doctor present" service that utilizes the ability to quickly identify and mobilize citizens with health professional skills that are located in the immediate vicinity of eg a cardiac arrest).
Public authorities are not the only organizations struggling to adapt to the mobile and other technologies, the private sector is also struggling. But the technologies represent not only a challenge, but also opportunities for the public sector, including opportunities to reduce the productivity gap between the public and private sectors, rethink service delivery models, increase the efficiency and quality of services provided by the public sector and change the division of labor between it public and citizens. If used properly, these technologies can radically change and improve the public sector.