Mark Thomasson // Aasum & Co THINK DIFFERENT

Project List

Inpay: Miscellaneous Strategic Projects (2023-2024)
Working for Inpay, a fintech scale-up headquartered in Copenhagen. Held the position as Head of Strategy & Transformation and led strategic initiatives, including rolling out a new growth strategy across the organisation (Copenhagen, London, Dubai, SE Asia)

Microsoft: Confidential Digital Transformation Projects (2021-2023)
Working with Microsoft's strategic customers to drive digital transformation across multiple industries, including Consumer Products, Civil Engineering, Pharmaceuticals, and Facility Management. 

World Bank Group: Digital Capability Framework (2020)
Developing a citizen-centered digital capability framework to supplement the World Bank Group’s ongoing investments in digital infrastructure. Primary contributor in the area of digital leadership and governance.

Health Region Zealand, Denmark: Designing and implementing new primary care clinics, call center and a citizen-focused innovation unit (2019- ongoing)
Implementing a series of new primary care clinics in rural areas that leverage new technology to provide healthcare coverage. Implementing a call center to handle patients’ and physicians’ needs for knowledge about chronic diseases. Designing an innovation unit that will co-create health care solutions aimed at improving in-home healthcare provision.

Local Government Denmark (KL): Tech radar for use of new technologies in municipalities (2019)
Development of a technology overview (tech radar) that assesses the relevance of new technologies to municipalities and their readiness for implementation. The tech radar is based on surveys, crowdsourcing and the assessment of Deloitte's technology experts.

Danish Environmental Protection Agency: Development of solution for automated nature habitat recognition (2019-ongoing)
Development of a concrete solution for classifying nature within EU habitat categories based on, e.g. aerial photo and lidar. The solution will eliminate the need for manual aerial interpretation and reduce the need for field validation.

Danish Environmental Protection Agency: Development of minimal viable product for offshore mineral extraction (2019)
Development of a minimal viable product (MVP) for offshore mineral extraction using an agile development method. The solution includes both a case manager module and a module for publishing residual quantities to the permit holder. The solution uses ship position, speed and type and historical data to predict recoveries using machine learning. The solution reduces the delay in publishing residual quantities from +3 months to near real time.

Danish Environmental Protection Agency: Market research for new sensors for the water sector (2019)
Mapping new sensor technologies for use in wastewater monitoring. Using crowdsourcing to access knowledge about technologies that are still in development or that have just come on the market globally.

Danish Environmental Protection Agency: Quality assurance of wastewater data (2019)
Proof-of-Concept to evaluate the possibility of using machine learning to detect outliers in data regarding laboratory testing of wastewater as a replacement for traditional laboratory quality assurance.

Danish Environmental Protection Agency: Innovation project for automated nature recognition (2018)
Designing a new approach to automated nature recognition, including a proof-of-concept for a machine learning solution for identifying protected habitat based on, among other things, aerial photos and lidar.

Danish Environmental Protection Agency: Data-driven selection of businesses for inspection (2018)
Analysing the potential of using analytics for a more risk-based approach to selecting companies for environmental inspection.

Danish Environmental Protection Agency: Innovation project for raw material extraction at sea (2018)
Design of a new approach to handling raw material extraction at sea, where the existing business model was radically changed using machine learning and mobile solutions. Focus on the needs of both caseworkers and permit holders through co-creation and observations. Resulted in a case for action that included a high-level business case, architecture for the solution as well as a prototype with wireframes and mock-ups of the solution.

Danish Environmental Protection Agency: Establishment of Innovation and Development Unit – Digital Factory (2018- ongoing)
Establishing a Digital FactoryTM to identify, qualify, design and develop innovative solutions to support environmental protection services. The project is the first stage of a roadmap for the establishment of an innovation and development unit at the EPA and includes the design and implementation of governance structures, implementation of agile development methods as well as running the first projects through the Digital FactoryTM.

City of Copenhagen: Digitization Strategy for Social Services Administration (2018)
Preparation of a digitization strategy for the Social Services Administration in the City of Copenhagen, including preparation of vision and mission as well as the associated principles and necessary capabilities that the organization should possess.

Danish Agency for Digitisation: Pilot Project for Solution to Case and Benefits Overview (2017-18)
Qualification of business, architectural and legal aspects of a case and benefits overview for citizens and businesses respectively. Including development of clickable prototypes as well as subsequent user testing with a number of citizens and businesses.

Danish Agency for Digitisation: Design of Integrated User Journey for Relocation (2017-18)
Design of a concept for supporting a seamless user journey for citizens relocating. This is the first of several cross-agency user journeys. The project built on the mapping of the as-is user journey, designed a prototype and through iterative user testing, the prototype was refined to the final prototype and supplemented by a report that showed the link to the public-sector reference architecture and a roadmap to roll out the solution in a limited release and then expand the functionality to reap the full value.

Danish Agency for Digitisation: Preliminary analysis of the possibility of an information security portal (2017)
Analysis and design of the opportunity to develop an information security portal for citizens, businesses and authorities. The work included mapping of existing sources for information on information security, coverage of user needs and subsequent collaboration workshops with users. Based on this input wireframes for a possible solution were designed.

Danish Business Authority: Future Digital Business Promotion (2017)
Design process with suggestions on how a future digital business solution could look. Included personas, mock-ups of selected parts of the solution as well as a conceptual IT architecture for the solution. Part of the concept was subsequently incorporated as part of the Simplification Committee's recommendations.

Danish Agency for Labor and Recruitment: Redesign of the Rehabilitation Plan (2017)
An analysis of the need for a new solution to support work on the rehabilitation plans for citizens. Work included interviews with citizens and case managers, preparation of clickable prototypes as well as cocreation workshops with key stakeholders within national and municipal government and health care. The analysis resulted in a new solution for support for the rehabilitation plan.

Confidential client: Analysis of multimedia file management solution (2017-18)
Analysis of the need for a solution for managing multimedia files, including loading, storage, analysis and distribution. Based on this, a business case and a roadmap for implementation were prepared. Subsequently, risk assessment has been carried out in the Government’s Major Projects’ Council.

Confidential client: Preliminary analysis of the use of cloud solutions in public sector agency (2017)
Impact analysis of the use of cloud for storage and processing of large volumes of data in a public sector agency. The analysis compares two cloud solutions with an on-premise solution on parameters including law, security, financial and IT.

Medcom, Denmark: Specification of digitization initiatives in relation to Medcom’s healthcare digitization program (2017)
Responsible for detailing and qualifying eight initiatives focused on improving the situation for patients, physicians and clinical staff in primary care. The initiatives will subsequently be prioritized by Medcom’s board of directors.

Danish Agency for Digitisation: Dashboard for public sector cases and benefits (2017)
Responsible for the service design of a new dashboard that across the public sector provided citizens and businesses with an overview of their open cases and the benefits they are entitled to. Deloitte conducted a large number of observations of citizen and business enquiries, which were analysed and structured to identify needs. Subsequently, a number of solutions were conceptualized, prototyped and tested together with a number of public sector agencies and selected users.

Danish Agency for Digitisation: Analysis of how to ensure valid identities (2016-17)
Responsible for an analysis of the administrative civil registration number. The analysis included mapping the processes for issuing and using the administrative civil registration number and determining how they could be improved further.

Ministry of Health and the Elderly, Denmark: Service design of digital primary care (2016-2017)
Responsible for analysis and design of digital solutions that could improve the work and interaction of physicians, patients and clinical staff in the primary care sector. The analysis used a service design approach, which included ethnographic observations of 300+ patient interactions in seven clinics. Subsequently, digital initiatives were identified and qualified in collaboration with physicians and clinical staff. On this basis mock-ups were developed, tested with users and refined.

Confidential client: User needs identification and business case for Digital Asset Management solution (2016)
Identification of user needs for a Digital Asset Management solution. Subsequent development of a Project Initiation Document and Business Case for implementation. The Project Initiation Document and Business Case were submitted for risk evaluation at the Danish Major Projects Authority and passed that stage gate into the Procurement phase.

Danish Agency for Digitisation: Analysis of valid identities in Danmark (2015)
Project manager for the mapping and analysis of all official Danish identity cars and numbers. The mapping identified the relationships between the identities, especially in as pertained to the issuing. The analysis identified risks and potential improvements in the Danish ecosystem of identities.

Confidential client: Market analysis of a Digital Asset Management platform (2015)
Development of a framework for evaluating Digital Asset Management solutions. Subsequent identification and scoring of possible solution according to the framework and identification of best practices for implementation of Digital Asset Management solutions in the specific sector.

Confidential client: Vision, analysis, requirement specification and procurement of an Analytics platform (2014-2015)
Developed a vision and supporting principles for a public sector client’s use of Analytics to radically change its way of working, its processes and incident management. Subsequently developing the requirements specification and procuring a solution.

Danish Agency for Digitisation: Vision and preliminary strategy for exploiting Danish government data (2014)
Project manager for a preliminary strategy project that analyzed and set the direction for how the Danish government will respond to the increasing volume, variety and velocity of data available to the Danish public sector. It resulted in a vision, strategic principles and governance suggestions.

Danish Agency for Digitisation: Mapping of public sector experience with user experience initiatives (2014)
Project manager for a high-level mapping of public and private sector experience with investments in user experience for public sector digital solutions and self-service. The project mapped how several Danish and foreign agencies approached user experience and what results they had achieved.

Danish Agency for Digitisation: Analysis of the future solution for citizen registration in Denmark (2013)
Project manager for an analysis of the future solution for recording data about citizens and other persons of interest across central, regional and local government in Denmark. Also considered the needs of financial institutions and other private sector actors. Led a team of Deloitte and subcontractor consultants and the engagement involved intense stakeholder management.

Danish Agency for Digitisation: Quality assurance of business cases for the Governmental Master Data Management program (2012)
Reviewed the quality of the 11 business cases of the projects included in the Governmental Master Data Management program. Firstly, Deloitte facilitated workshops, where the agencies involved in the program were introduced to the business case model. Secondly, Deloitte helped identify the primary costs and benefits. Thirdly, conducted two separate reviews of the agencies business cases.

Danish Safety Network: Quality assurance of business cases for a new Service Oriented Architecture solution (2011-12)
Reviewed the quality of the project proposal for a solution for the safety network based on a service oriented architecture. The project proposal included a business case, project initiation document, concept description, etc. The project is ongoing.

Danish Court Administration: Support for developing the project proposal submitted to the Danish Major Projects Authority (2011-12)
Developed a project proposal for a large video conferencing solution in cooperation with the Danish Courts Administration. The project proposal included a business case and project initiation document, risk assessment, etc. The project was the first project submitted for approval by the Danish Major Projects Authority. The project was approved.

Danish Agency for Governmental IT Services: IT investment planning (2011)
Analyzed the current investment plans and related these plans to the assets and depreciations of the agency. The analysis was conducted in order to assess the correct investment level and subsequently to develop an updated investment plan.

Danish Ministry of Justice: Business case for digitizing the criminal case process (2011)
Led the development of a business case for replacing mail, fax and phone communications in the criminal case process between the Danish police, public prosecutor, courts and corrections. The project mapped the current processes; designed new processes and the necessary IT-infrastructure; and produced a business case and project initiation document.

Danish Agency for Governmental IT Services: Strategic division of tasks between government IT shared services centre and its customers (2010)
Facilitated the design of the strategic division of tasks between Statens It and its current and potential customers. Statens It is a newly established IT shared services centre in the Danish central government and the division of tasks was designed based on the improvement potential identified for each task and; subsequently, described in a future state model.

Ministry of Employment, Denmark: Corporate IT strategy, IT governance model and IT maturity assessment (2010)
Led a team that developed corporate IT strategy for the ministry. This strategy was supported by a new IT governance model designed to provide more cooperation and reuse of components and data between agencies. The IT governance model was based on an IT maturity assessment conducted with each agency within the ministry.

Nordic Insurance Company II and Global Outsourcing Provider: Design project portfolio governance processes (2008)
Lead a team of client and outsourcer staff in designing both the client’s internal project portfolio processes and the interfaces with outsourcer. Gained buy-in from client business and IT management and outsourcer.

Joint project for four Danish municipalities: Develop a joint future construction permit process (2008)
Lead a team that facilitated the design of a new joint construction permit process across four Danish municipalities (Gentofte, Gladsaxe, Lyngby-Taarbæk and Rudersdal). Challenged client to use technology and a streamlined process to provide better working conditions for staff and better, quicker and more transparent service for citizens and professional advisors in the construction process.

Nordic telecommunications company: Develop the future collaborative workspace (2007)
Developed the future workspace for knowledge workers at a large Nordic telecom company. Created a proof of concept for the company that included software, hardware, business justification and guidelines for use. The proof of concept included fully fledged workspaces and a short video describing the future workspace and its benefits in several business situations.

Nordic insurance company I: Innovation project (2007)
Developed a new concept for a Nordic insurance company that was presented to the company’s CEO and innovation board. The insurance company is now pursuing this concept in cooperation with partners.

Nordic insurance company I: Industry trend analysis (2007)
Lead a project to map the macro trends that will influence the insurance industry globally. The project resulted in a presentation to the client’s C-level executives, and subsequently, a collaborative project to explore innovative business models that could exploit the identified macro trends. The project leveraged access to global resources within technology and deep knowledge of the financial services industry.

Global Logistics Company - based in UK: Application portfolio optimisation (2006)
Lead a major subproject of a strategic transformation project. The subproject was a fast paced discovery project focused on identifying quick wins and designing a methodology for application assessment. This methodology could be used in the following full scale business transformation project. The project identified opportunities for reducing the application portfolio to 20 percent of its current size.

Denmark’s Road Safety and Transport Agency: Proof-of concept for eGovernment solution based on service-oriented architecture (2006)
Facilitated and modelled an eGovernment solution for this Danish government agency that, when implemented, will result in order-of-magnitude improvements of their citizen service while at the same time resulting in significant savings. Further, a business case to support the decision making process was developed. The solution opens opportunities for roll out across the Danish public sector.

European Airline - Revenue Information Organisation: IT investment roadmap (2006)
Lead a team of consultants tasked with creating a roadmap for the transformation of the organisation’s IT-setup and a central business process. It included linking IT initiatives to business objectives and creating the top-level program management plan for the transformation program.

The Benchmark Centre for the Danish Construction Sector: Specification of requirements for case management system (2005)
Provided engagement management for a team of technical and business consultants responsible for creating a functional requirement specification. The work included mapping current processes, designing future business processes and deriving requirements for a new case management system.

European Airline - Revenue Information Organisation: Application portfolio effectiveness review (2005)
Lead an application portfolio due diligence for the subsidiary of this major airline. The due diligence analysed the ability of the current IT platform to support continued growth, and linked business strategy with the technical condition of the application portfolio.

Nordic Telecommunications Company: Regulatory requirements mapping and documentation (2005)
Provided consulting services to this major Nordic telecommunications provider. Specifically, an analysis was conducted of the financial controls and documentation needed to fulfil regulatory requirements (SOX) in the IT processes.

Nordic Telecommunications Company: Business/IT alignment and process requirements mapping (2004)
Facilitated the identification of business objectives, strategic imperatives and the derived business requirements for a large-scale IT development program. In addition, facilitated the design of new end-to-end processes for the order management processes.

Global Damage Control Organization - Norwegian Subsidiary: Organisational change management and deployment management (2004)
Provided organisational change management and deployment assistance for a subsidiary of this global service provider as part of the implementation of a new ERP system. The work included identifying and managing role/responsibility issues, new processes and other organisational changes resulting from the implementation.

Major Scandinavian newspaper corporation: Application portfolio assessment (2004)
Conducted a high-level evaluation of business and technical value of the application portfolio at a Nordic news corporation, including its subsidiaries. The risk and savings potential of the current portfolio were highlighted.

Statens Serum Institut (a public enterprise which prevents and controls infectious diseases, biological threats and congenital disorders): Business case for optimising the operational management (2004)
Mapped the potential benefits and costs of expanding the use of existing IT systems in the manufacturing department of this enterprise.

European Airline Maintenance: Fit analysis of warehouse management and logistics system (2003)
Provided project management and consulting services for an analysis of the process and technological fit of a predetermined warehouse management and logistics solution. Managed the vendor and supplier relationships, and coordinated internal process mapping and standardisation.

European Airline Maintenance: Spare parts bar coding business case (2002)
Developed a business case and high-level implementation plan for this major European airline-maintenance organisation. The business case included streamlining the organisation’s business processes across locations and determining the data, application and technology requirements for the proposed solution.

Danish Consumer Information Centre: Audit of development project (2002)
Audited the bespoke development of a business/government/consumer system built by a third-party external service provider for this Danish government agency. The audit included both the business processes developed by the government agency to support the system and the actual system with particular focus on security.

Global Air Cargo Airline based in Europe: Business process redesign and implementation (2002)
Aligned and designed the workflows along process lines, including the design of new procedures and employee responsibilities and implementing these in the organisation.

Metal Products Manufacturer: EPortal strategic requirements mapping, design and implementation (2001)
Subproject leader working with the customer to map requirements for a large-scale ePortal, and subsequently design the solution, including the integration with back-end systems (SAP and Lotus Notes). Furthermore, Mark facilitated, planned and coordinated the testing of the ePortal. Testing included component test, integration test between the ePortal and a portfolio of back office systems, and business process testing.

European Air Cargo Industry Consortium: Business case development (2000)
Played a significant role in developing an eBusiness venture design for this consortium of air freight and logistics companies based in Central Europe. This also involved the conceptual design of the IT system and organisation, and determining the required financial investment needed to make the consortium’s vision real.

Plastics Manufacturer: Strategic analysis of logistics processes (2000)
Assisted this significant player in the European plastics industry in designing future logistics and fulfilment solutions, this included a business case for deploying a vendor managed inventory solution.

Global Manufacturer of Machine Parts: Virtual cooperation solution (2000)
Assisted in developing a virtual co-operation solution for this global bearing manufacturer to aid continual product development, knowledge sharing and process improvement at the customer’s dispersed manufacturing sites.

Global ERP-software Provider (Nordic subsidiary): Partnership strategy (2000)
Helped develop a partnership and alliance structure for this major ERP-software vendor’s Nordic operations.

Metal Products Manufacturer: Business case development (2000)
Helped identify new and innovative ways of using IT to change the business model in this global manufacturing company. The work resulted in a business case for a customer portal development project.