Mark Thomasson // Aasum & Co THINK DIFFERENT


​The Danish Ministry of Health, the GP Association, Danish Regions, MedCom and Local Government Denmark tasked Deloitte with identifying digital solutions that could be implementered within the existing IT and governance structure and that would improve the situation for patients, physicians and staff in primary care.


​Using ethnographic methodologies we observed the work in seven GP clinics, observing more than 300 patient interactions. Based on these observations and interviews conducted with stakeholders within primary care and in adjacent sectors, Deloitte developed personas and identified insights and needs related to the patients, physicians and staff. Subsequently, a number of co-creation workshops were conducted with physicians and staff, where ideas for improvement were tested and improved in collaboration with the workshop participants.


​The project identified a number of innovations that would improve the situation for physicians, staff and patients. Seven potential solutions were detailed, which would improve the workday for general practitioners and clinical staff and another seven were detailed that would improve the patients interaction with primary care. The patient related solutions were described as part of a single mobile solution. Each solution included mock- ups and a description of the benefits and implementation requirements. In addition a roadmap and a short “future scenario” film was developed.